Quorn mycoprotein

Everything you need to know about the unique and nutritious key ingredient: learn how Quorn mycoprotein was discovered, its nutritional profile, and environmental impacts.
Here you will find everything about our unique ingredient, Quorn mycoprotein, and the growing evidence-base that underpins our work. Plus, you will find a range of free resources to support you when talking to patients or clients about vegetarian or vegan diets and incorporating Quorn products into their favourite recipes.
Everything you need to know about the unique and nutritious key ingredient: learn how Quorn mycoprotein was discovered, its nutritional profile, and environmental impacts.
Delve into the areas of health and wellbeing where Quorn mycoprotein can make a real difference.
Understand the ambition driving our research and explore our published and upcoming research.
Browse through our useful resources available for healthcare professionals and patients/clients.
Questions about Quorn mycoprotein? Find answers to the most frequently asked questions here!
Meet the leading scientists at Quorn, and the professionals and academics we partner with to continually improve our evidence base.
At Quorn, we are proud of the positive impacts our products can have on health and wellbeing. Here, we summarise our 30-year history of supporting academic research into the effects that Quorn and its key ingredient, Quorn mycoprotein, have on various aspects of physical health.
Work to find an alternative protein source for humans began in the 1960s
Explore the history of Quorn mycoproteinThe product carbon footprint of Quorn Mince, which is made from Quorn mycoprotein, can be considered to be at least 10x lower than that of beef
Find out about sustainability and QuornWe work with independent experts across all our nutritional research in order to improve and expand knowledge on the evidence base for Quorn mycoprotein. You can meet them here.
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